1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
May 19, 1999 - Printed by direction of Assembly Chief Clerk.
AB52-engrossed,1,8 1An Act to repeal 343.07 (1) (c); to renumber and amend 343.085 (1) and 343.32
2(2) (c); to consolidate, renumber and amend 343.07 (1) (a) and (b); to amend
3121.41 (2), 343.07 (3), 343.085 (3), 343.085 (5), 343.19 (1) and 343.21 (1) (i); and
4to create 343.06 (1) (cm), 343.07 (1) (bm), 343.085 (1) (b), 343.085 (2m), 343.17
5(3) (a) 13., 343.21 (1) (ir), 343.32 (2) (bc) and 343.32 (2) (c) 2. of the statutes;
6relating to: instruction permits, probationary licenses and regular licenses to
7operate motor vehicles; driver education programs; granting rule-making
8authority; and providing a penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Engrossment information:
The text of Engrossed 1999 Assembly Bill 52 consists of the following
documents adopted in the Assembly on May 12, 1999: Assembly Substitute
Amendment 3, as affected by the following Assembly Amendments: Assembly
Amendments 1 and 4, Assembly Amendment 6 (Part 1, lines 1 to 9) and Assembly
Amendment 10.
In engrossing, the text in Item 2 of Assembly Amendment 10 to Assembly
Substitute Amendment 3 to Assembly Bill 52 was repositioned, by LRB correction

dated May 19, 1999, after line 14 of page 9, because the text in Item 2 is an initial
applicability provision.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB52-engrossed, s. 1 1Section 1. 121.41 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB52-engrossed,2,62 121.41 (2) Fees. A school board or the technical college system board may
3establish and collect reasonable fees for any driver education program or part of a
4program which is neither required for nor credited toward graduation. The school
5board or the technical college system board may waive any fee established under this
6subsection for any indigent pupil.
AB52-engrossed, s. 2 7Section 2. 343.06 (1) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB52-engrossed,2,198 343.06 (1) (cm) To operate "Class D" vehicles to any person under 18 years of
9age, unless the person has accumulated at least 30 hours of behind-the-wheel
10driving experience, at least 10 hours of which were during hours of darkness. Each
11hour of behind-the-wheel driving experience while accompanied by a qualified
12instructor, as defined in s. 343.07 (5), shall be considered to be 2 hours of
13behind-the-wheel driving experience, except that no more than 5 hours of
14behind-the-wheel driving experience while accompanied by a qualified instructor
15may be counted in this manner. This paragraph does not apply to applicants for a
16restricted license under s. 343.08 or a special restricted operator's license under s.
17343.135. The department may promulgate rules that waive the requirement of
18accumulating at least 30 hours of behind-the-wheel experience for qualified
19applicants who are licensed by another jurisdiction to operate "Class D" vehicles.
AB52-engrossed, s. 3 20Section 3. 343.07 (1) (a) and (b) of the statutes are consolidated, renumbered
21343.07 (1) (a) (intro.) and amended to read:
1343.07 (1) (a) (intro.) If the permittee is at least 16 years of age, the permittee
2shall not
Except as provided in this subsection, no permittee may operate a motor
3vehicle unless accompanied by a qualified instructor, or a licensed person with who
at least 2 years of licensed driving experience, who presently holds a valid
5regular license, occupying as defined in s. 343.03 (3) (a), who occupies the seat beside
6the permittee. No other passengers are allowed in the vehicle except as provided in
7par. (c) or (cm). (b)
and who is one of the following:
AB52-engrossed,3,12 81. A permittee under the age of 16 is restricted to operation of a motor vehicle
9only while accompanied by a
qualified instructor, the who is 19 years of age or older.
10If the motor vehicle is equipped with dual controls, up to 3 other persons, in addition
11to the qualified instructor, may occupy seats in the motor vehicle other than the front
AB52-engrossed,3,16 132. The permittee's parent or, guardian who meets the other qualifications of
14par. (a) or a licensed
or spouse who is 19 years of age or older. In addition to the
15parent, guardian or spouse, the permittee's immediate family members may occupy
16seats in the motor vehicle other than the front seat.
AB52-engrossed,3,22 173. A person who is 21 years of age or older who meets the other qualifications
18of par. (a) and who has
. If the permittee is under 18 years of age, this subdivision
19applies only if the licensed person has
been designated in writing to accompany the
20permittee by the permittee's parent or guardian prior to operation of the vehicle by
21the permittee. Upon reaching the age of 16, the permittee gains the privilege of any
22other permittee.
AB52-engrossed, s. 4 23Section 4. 343.07 (1) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB52-engrossed,3,2524 343.07 (1) (bm) Except as provided in par. (a), no permittee may operate a motor
25vehicle upon a highway in this state whenever any person is in the motor vehicle.
AB52-engrossed, s. 5
1Section 5. 343.07 (1) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
AB52-engrossed, s. 6 2Section 6. 343.07 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB52-engrossed,4,83 343.07 (3) Duration; cancellation. An instruction permit shall be to operate
4vehicles other than commercial motor vehicles or school buses is
valid for 6 12
5months except that it may be canceled upon receipt of information, by the secretary,
6of noncompletion or unsatisfactory completion of a driver education and training
7course by a permittee under the age of 18. An instruction permit to operate
8commercial motor vehicles or school buses is valid for 6 months.
AB52-engrossed, s. 7 9Section 7. 343.085 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 343.085 (1) (a) and
10amended to read:
AB52-engrossed,4,1411 343.085 (1) (a) Except as provided in par. (b) and sub. (2), the department shall
12issue a probationary license to all applicants for an original license. The
13probationary license shall remain in effect during the entire period of the first
14issuance of the original license
as provided in s. 343.20 (1) (a).
AB52-engrossed, s. 8 15Section 8. 343.085 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB52-engrossed,4,2316 343.085 (1) (b) The department may not issue a probationary license to operate
17"Class D" vehicles under this section to an applicant who is under 18 years of age
18unless the applicant has held an instruction permit issued under s. 343.07 for not less
19than 6 months and, during the 6-month period immediately preceding application,
20has not committed a moving violation, specified by the department by rule, resulting
21in a conviction. The department may promulgate rules to waive the requirement of
22holding an instruction permit for not less than 6 months for qualified applicants who
23are licensed by another jurisdiction to operate "Class D" vehicles.
AB52-engrossed, s. 9 24Section 9. 343.085 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
1343.085 (2m) (a) Except as provided in this subsection, during the 9-month
2period after issuance of a probationary license under this section, no licensee under
318 years of age may operate a "Class D" vehicle upon a highway in this state:
AB52-engrossed,5,54 1. If, in addition to the licensee, the vehicle is occupied by any person other than
5the following:
AB52-engrossed,5,66 a. Any number of members of the licensee's immediate family.
AB52-engrossed,5,77 b. A person who meets the requirements under s. 343.07 (1) (a).
AB52-engrossed,5,88 c. Not more than one other person not described in subd. 1. a. and b.
AB52-engrossed,5,129 2. Between the hours of 12 midnight and 5 a.m., unless the licensee's parent
10or guardian, or a person who meets the requirements under s. 343.07 (1) (a), occupies
11the seat beside the licensee, or unless the licensee is traveling between his or her
12place of residence, school or place of employment.
AB52-engrossed,5,1413 (am) 1. Paragraph (a) does not apply to any licensee to whom all of the following
AB52-engrossed,5,1615 a. The licensee is operating the motor vehicle in the service of an organized
16program that, without compensation, transports teenagers to their homes.
AB52-engrossed,5,2017 b. The licensee possesses documentation that identifies the program and the
18licensee and that authorizes the licensee to operate a motor vehicle in service of the
19program on the date and time of the operation. The documentation is valid only if
20signed by a person who is at least 25 years of age and associated with the program.
AB52-engrossed,5,2421 c. The licensee is accompanied by another licensee, other than a teenager who
22is being transported, who is in the motor vehicle in the service of the program
23described in subd. 1. a. and who possesses the documentation described in subd. 1.
1d. The licensee is accompanied by not more than 3 passengers in the vehicle.
2The licensee described in subd. 1. c. shall not be counted under this subd. 1. d.
AB52-engrossed,6,73 2. Paragraph (a) does not apply to any licensee operating the motor vehicle to
4or from a program described in subd. 1. a., if the licensee possesses documentation
5described in subd. 1. b. A licensee described in this subdivision may be accompanied
6by any number of persons also traveling to or from a program described in subd. 1.
AB52-engrossed,6,98 (ar) Paragraph (a) does not apply to any licensee operating a motor vehicle for
9emergency purposes.
AB52-engrossed,6,1310 (b) 1. The department shall extend the restrictions under par. (a) for an
11additional 6-month period or until the licensee's 18th birthday, whichever occurs
12earlier, if any of the following occurs while the licensee is subject to the restrictions
13under par. (a):
AB52-engrossed,6,1514 a. The licensee commits a moving violation specified by the department by rule,
15resulting in a conviction of the licensee.
AB52-engrossed,6,1616 b. The licensee violates par. (a).
AB52-engrossed,6,1817 c. A court or the department suspends or revokes the licensee's operating
18privilege for any reason other than a mental or physical disability.
AB52-engrossed,6,2119 2. If the department extends a restriction period under subd. 1., the
20department shall immediately provide notice of the extension by 1st class mail to the
21person's last-known residence address.
AB52-engrossed,6,2322 (c) A period of restriction under this subsection does not run while a person's
23operating privilege is suspended or revoked.
AB52-engrossed,6,2524 (d) The restrictions under this subsection apply until the period of restriction
25expires or until the licensee reaches 18 years of age, whichever occurs first.
1(e) Nothing in this subsection may be construed to create a separate cause of
2action against the parent or guardian of a probationary licensee under this
3subsection or against the owner of any vehicle operated by a probationary licensee
4under this section.
AB52-engrossed, s. 10 5Section 10. 343.085 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB52-engrossed,7,156 343.085 (3) The secretary may suspend a person's operating privilege under
7this section when such person has been assigned sufficient demerit points after
8conviction for traffic violations to require suspension under the rule adopted under
9sub. (5) and either holds a license issued under this section or by age comes under
10this section. The secretary may revoke such a person's operating privilege under this
11section if such person has a previous suspension under this section. This subsection
12applies only to a person holding a probationary license issued before the effective
13date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date]. This subsection does not apply on
14or after the first day of the 37th month beginning after the effective date of the
15subsection .... [revisor inserts date].
AB52-engrossed, s. 11 16Section 11. 343.085 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB52-engrossed,8,217 343.085 (5) For the purpose of determining when to suspend or to continue a
18person on probationary status, the secretary may determine and adopt by rule a
19method of weighing traffic convictions by their seriousness and may change such
20weighted scale from time to time as experience or the accident frequency in the state
21makes necessary or desirable. Such scale may be weighted differently for this
22licensee than the scale used to determine revocations under s. 343.32. This
23subsection applies only to a person holding a probationary license issued before the
24effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date]. This subsection does not

1apply on or after the first day of the 37th month beginning after the effective date
2of the subsection .... [revisor inserts date].
AB52-engrossed, s. 11m 3Section 11m. 343.17 (3) (a) 13. of the statutes is created to read:
AB52-engrossed,8,74 343.17 (3) (a) 13. If the person is under 18 years of age at the time of issuance
5of the license, a distinctive appearance specified by the department that clearly
6identifies to the public that the person was under 18 years of age at the time of
7issuance of the license.
AB52-engrossed, s. 11r 8Section 11r. 343.19 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB52-engrossed,8,209 343.19 (1) If a license issued under this chapter or an identification card issued
10under s. 343.50 is lost or destroyed or the name or address named in the license or
11identification card is changed or the condition specified in s. 343.17 (3) (a) 12. or 13.
12no longer applies, the person to whom the license or identification card was issued
13may obtain a duplicate thereof or substitute therefor upon furnishing proof
14satisfactory to the department of name and date of birth and that the license or
15identification card has been lost or destroyed or that application for a duplicate
16license or identification card is being made for a change of address or name or
17because the condition specified in s. 343.17 (3) (a) 12. or 13. no longer applies. If the
18original license or identification card is found it shall immediately be transmitted to
19the department. Duplicates of nonphoto licenses shall be issued as nonphoto
AB52-engrossed, s. 12 21Section 12. 343.21 (1) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB52-engrossed,8,2322 343.21 (1) (i) Except as provided in par. (im) or (ir), for an instruction permit,
AB52-engrossed, s. 13 24Section 13. 343.21 (1) (ir) of the statutes is created to read:
1343.21 (1) (ir) For an instruction permit authorizing the operation of "Class D"
2vehicles, $25.
AB52-engrossed, s. 14 3Section 14. 343.32 (2) (bc) of the statutes is created to read:
AB52-engrossed,9,84 343.32 (2) (bc) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., the scale adopted by the
5secretary shall assess, for each conviction, twice the number of demerit points that
6are assessed for the same offense committed by the holder of a regular license, if the
7convicted person has been previously convicted of an offense for which demerit points
8are assessed and the person is one of the following:
AB52-engrossed,9,99 a. A person who holds a probationary license.
AB52-engrossed,9,1010 b. An unlicensed person who would hold a probationary license if licensed.
AB52-engrossed,9,1111 c. A person who holds an instruction permit under s. 343.07.
AB52-engrossed,9,1312 2. The secretary may not increase under subd. 1. the number of demerit points
13that are assessed for a violation of ch. 347.
AB52-engrossed, s. 15 14Section 15 . 343.32 (2) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 343.32 (2) (c) 1. and
15amended to read:
AB52-engrossed,9,1816 343.32 (2) (c) 1. In Except as provided in subd. 2., in order for the secretary to
17suspend or revoke an operating privilege under this subsection, the operator must
18have accumulated 12 demerit points in any 12-month period.
AB52-engrossed, s. 16 19Section 16. 343.32 (2) (c) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
AB52-engrossed,9,2320 343.32 (2) (c) 2. The secretary shall suspend, for a period of 6 months, the
21operating privilege of any person who holds a probationary license issued on or after
22the effective date of this subdivision .... [revisor inserts date], and who has
23accumulated 12 demerit points in any 12-month period.
AB52-engrossed, s. 17 24Section 17 . Nonstatutory provisions.
1(1) Offenses requiring an extension of a probationary licensee's restriction
. Not later than the first day of the 4th month beginning after the effective
3date of this subsection, the secretary of transportation shall submit in proposed form
4rules required under section 343.085 (2m) (b) 1. a. of the statutes, as created by this
5act, to the legislative council staff under section 227.15 (1) of the statutes. The rules
6may not propose to extend a period of restriction under section 343.085 (2m) (b) of
7the statutes, as created by this act, for a violation of section 343.05 (1) or (3), 343.12
8(1), 346.595 (1) or (6), 347.20, 347.28, 347.29 (1), 347.38 (1), (2) or (4), 347.40, 347.42,
9347.46, 347.47, 347.485 (2), 347.486 (2), 347.487 or 347.488 of the statutes, nor for
10operating a motor vehicle with an operating privilege that is suspended or revoked
11or with an operator's license that is expired.
AB52-engrossed, s. 18 12Section 18 . Initial applicability.
AB52-engrossed,10,1313 (1) Instructional permits and probationary licenses.
AB52-engrossed,10,1714 (a) The treatment of sections 343.085 (2m) and 343.32 (2) (bc) of the statutes,
15the renumbering and amendment of section 343.085 (1) and 343.32 (2) (c) of the
16statutes and the creation of sections 343.085 (1) (b) and 343.32 (2) (c) 2. of the statutes
17first apply to licenses and permits applied for on the effective date of this paragraph.
AB52-engrossed,10,2018 (b) The treatment of sections 343.06 (1) (cm), 343.07 (1) (a), (b), (bm) and (c) and
19(3) and 343.21 (1) (i) and (ir) of the statutes first applies to licenses and permits
20applied for on the effective date of this paragraph.
AB52-engrossed,10,24 21(3d) Operators' licenses issued to children under 18 years of age. The
22treatment of section 343.17 (3) (a) 13. of the statutes first applies to licenses issued
23on January 1, 2000, or on the day after the effective date of this subsection, whichever
24is later.
AB52-engrossed, s. 19
1Section 19. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the first day of the 4th
2month beginning after publication, except as follows:
AB52-engrossed,11,33 (1) Section 17 (1 ) of this act takes effect on the day after publication.
AB52-engrossed,11,84 (2) The treatment of sections 343.085 (2m), (3) and (5) and 343.32 (2) (bc) of the
5statutes, the renumbering and amendment of sections 343.085 (1) and 343.32 (2) (c)
6of the statutes, the creation of sections 343.085 (1) (b) and 343.32 (2) (c) 2. of the
7statutes and Section 18 (1) (a ) of this act take effect on the first day of the 10th month
8beginning after publication, or on September 1, 2000, whichever is later.